• Sabbath Service

    Sabbath, 12 October 2024 | 11:15 a.m.

    Prelude: Strings of Joy

       Minuet by Beethoven

    Welcome, Opening Prayer, & Fellowship: Hailu Woldemichael


    Praise and Worship: Praise Team/Congregation

       Mel Rivera, piano


    Church Life: Hailu Woldemichael

       Washington Adventist University

    Offertory: Strings of Joy

       Power in the Blood


    Children's Story: 

    Baby Dedication: Pastor Karol Mosebay

       Theo Phillip Kisakye Kowalski

    Special Music: Strings of Joy

       When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

    Intercessory Prayer: Sahlu Mikael

       Prayer Response Song

    Praise and Worship: Praise Team/Congregation

       Mel Rivera, piano


    Scripture Reading: Nathan Mulugeta

       Ephesians 2:1-5

    Sermon: Pastor Karol Mosebay

        Your Personal Salvation Story: The Gift of God Through Jesus Christ

    Closing Song: Praise Team/Congregation

       Give Me Jesus

    Benediction*: Pastor Karol Mosebay


    Postlude: Mel Rivera, piano


    Music Coordinator: Mel Rivera

    Elder on Duty: Sunday, 13 October - 19 October

          Phares Okelo

    Next Sabbath: Annual Retreat at Mt. Aetna Camp and Retreat Center


    Next Week's Speaker: Sahlu Mikael

    Sermon Title: Tuning In


     *Congregation Stands